Retour aux expériences de camping dans la nature

Imaginez : les oiseaux chantent, le vent souffle et le feu crépite encore de la veille.

Depuis des décennies, les séjours en camping sont une tradition annuelle pour de nombreuses personnes. Qu’il s’agisse d’une escapade d’un week-end ou d’un voyage en famille, les deux offrent une échappatoire à la vie quotidienne et une chance de « débrancher », ce qui nous permet de nous concentrer sur ce qui compte.

Vous est-il déjà arrivé, au retour d’un séjour en camping, de ressentir le besoin de prendre de nouvelles vacances ? Les progrès et les innovations modernes dans le domaine de la technologie des véhicules récréatifs et du camping ont changé l’expérience du camping. Bien que ces progrès soient indéniablement utiles et aient rendu le camping moderne plus pratique, pourraient-ils nous empêcher de profiter pleinement des avantages et de l’expérience du camping classique ?

Les avantages du camping

Nous avons tous entendu l’expression « prendre l’air », mais le camping classique ou traditionnel offre bien plus que cela. Elle nous permet de nous connecter à la nature, à nous-mêmes et aux autres d’une manière qui peut être difficile à atteindre dans la société actuelle.

Les séjours en camping offrent une occasion unique de se concentrer sur ce qui compte vraiment, sans les distractions habituelles de la vie quotidienne. Loin des écrans, des emplois du temps chargés et de l’agitation constante de la vie moderne, le camping nous permet de renouer avec les personnes qui nous sont chères, d’engager des conversations enrichissantes et de créer des souvenirs durables. C’est l’occasion de ralentir, de réfléchir et d’apprécier les plaisirs simples, comme la chaleur d’un feu de camp, le bruissement des feuilles et la beauté de la nature.

Comment débrancher ?

Vous vous dites peut-être : « Je ne peux donc pas utiliser les équipements de mon camping-car ? ». Bien sûr, vous pouvez – ces équipements rendent le camping plus agréable et plus confortable ! L’idée que chacun se fait de la déconnexion est différente, mais le fait d’inclure une ou deux activités sans appareil dans votre voyage de camping peut rendre l’expérience encore plus relaxante et saine.

Des activités sans technologie que vous pouvez intégrer à votre itinéraire pour tirer le meilleur parti de vos séjours en camping :

– Cueillette dans la nature
– Hamac
– Observation des étoiles
– Allumer un feu de camp
– Se prélasser avec un livre
– Pêcher
– Dessiner ou peindre
– Journaliser

Activités supplémentaires pour les campeurs les plus actifs :

– Randonnée/marche
– Cornhole
– Lancer d’anneaux
– Kayak
– Escalade

Les équipements modernes et les innovations ont rendu le camping plus confortable et plus accessible que jamais et ont permis à un plus grand nombre de personnes de profiter des grands espaces. Cependant, il est important de se rappeler que le véritable avantage du camping réside dans la reconnexion avec la nature et les autres et dans le fait de prendre le temps de se déconnecter de nos routines quotidiennes. Bien que le confort supplémentaire soit appréciable, n’oubliez pas de faire une pause, de respirer l’air frais et d’apprécier la simplicité qu’offre le camping. Lorsque nous sommes vraiment en contact avec le monde naturel qui nous entoure, nous rentrons chez nous en nous sentant revigorés et optimistes quant à l’avenir !

Parc national des Glaciers

Dans les pics et les vallées sculptés par les glaciers de la région sauvage du nord-ouest du Montana, le parc national des Glaciers témoigne de la grandeur de la nature et fait honneur à son titre : La couronne du continent. Avec ses glaciers en fusion, ses prairies alpines et ses lacs immaculés, le parc national des Glaciers offre une expérience inégalée aux amateurs de nature et d’aventure. Ses plus de 700 miles de sentiers permettent aux visiteurs de découvrir la terre natale d’une grande variété d’animaux sauvages, notamment le grizzli, l’ours noir, l’élan, le lion de montagne, le mouflon, l’élan, le cerf mulet, le cerf de Virginie, le carcajou, le lynx, le coyote et le loup. Mais si la randonnée n’est pas votre tasse de thé, ne vous inquiétez pas ! Il y a encore beaucoup d’aventures à vivre depuis la route. Des panoramas de la célèbre route Going-to-the-Sun à l’exploration de la riche histoire humaine de la région, vous trouverez certainement quelque chose pour vous et votre famille dans les Rocheuses du parc national de Glacier.

Faits marquants

Laissez-passer pour l’entrée des glaciers :

  • Pendant les mois d’été, un laissez-passer de 7 jours pour les véhicules privés non commerciaux coûte 35 dollars par véhicule et des laissez-passer pour les motos sont disponibles au prix de 30 dollars. Hors saison, les tarifs des cartes d’entrée sont généralement moins élevés.
  • Les visiteurs peuvent également acheter un laissez-passer annuel pour le parc national de Glacier au prix de 70 dollars par véhicule ou un laissez-passer annuel « America the Beautiful » au prix de 80 dollars. Le passeport « America the Beautiful » vous permet d’accéder pendant un an à plus de 2 000 sites de loisirs fédéraux, dont tous les parcs nationaux, les forêts nationales et les monuments nationaux. Pour plus d’informations sur les droits d’entrée à Yosemite, consultez le National Park Service.

Meilleur moment pour visiter :

  • La période recommandée pour explorer le parc national des Glaciers est généralement la fin de l’été, de fin juin à septembre. Cette période vous permet de profiter du plus grand nombre possible d’attractions du parc, y compris celles qui seraient fermées en raison des changements climatiques saisonniers au cours des mois les plus froids, comme la route de Going-to-the-Sun. Si vous n’avez pas d’enfants à l’école et que vous pouvez éviter les déplacements pendant les mois d’été, envisagez de planifier votre voyage pendant le mois de septembre afin d’éviter les foules.
  • Notez que pendant les mois d’été, le parc national des Glaciers exige désormais que les réservations de billets d’entrée à heure fixe soient effectuées en plus de l’achat d’un billet d’entrée. Du 24 mai au 8 septembre, les réservations de véhicules sont obligatoires pour le côté ouest de Going-to-the-Sun Road et North Fork, de 6 heures à 15 heures. Du 1er juillet au 8 septembre, les réservations de véhicules sont obligatoires pour le glacier Many de 6h à 15h. Pour plus d’informations sur les réservations, consultez le site web du Service des parcs nationaux.

Combien de jours faut-il prévoir ?

  • Prévoyez de passer au moins 3 à 5 jours dans le parc pour pouvoir profiter au maximum des paysages à couper le souffle. Vous devez vous assurer que vous avez planifié un itinéraire afin d’utiliser au mieux votre temps. Les visiteurs du parc disent souvent qu’ils pourraient rester deux semaines dans le parc et qu’ils n’en auraient pas assez !

Où séjourner :

  • Glacier est un parc très fréquenté, il vous faudra donc faire toutes vos réservations bien à l’avance. Si vous prévoyez de séjourner dans le parc, Glacier National Park Lodges gère le Village Inn Motel, le Lake McDonald Lodge, le Rising Sun Motor Inn, le Swiftcurrent Motor Inn et le Many Glacier Hotel. Vous pouvez vérifier la disponibilité des hôtels et faire vos réservations pour n’importe lequel de leurs sites sur leur site web. Les lodges de la Glacier Park Collection sont gérés par Pursuit. Les réservations pour ces hébergements peuvent être effectuées sur leur site web. De nombreuses possibilités d’hébergement, de restaurants, d’épiceries et d’autres services sont également disponibles à l’extérieur du parc. Bien entendu, nous vous recommandons de réserver un emplacement de camping sur le site

Politique concernant les animaux de compagnie :

  • Les animaux domestiques sont autorisés dans les zones aménagées du parc. Les terrains de camping de l’avant-pays, les aires de pique-nique, le long des routes lorsque vous vous arrêtez, dans les aires de stationnement et dans votre voiture lorsque vous conduisez sur les routes du parc sont autant d’endroits où les animaux de compagnie sont les bienvenus. Votre animal de compagnie doit être tenu en laisse d’une longueur maximale de 2 mètres et être accompagné en permanence. Pour en savoir plus sur la politique de Glacier à l’égard des animaux de compagnie et sur les endroits où ils sont interdits, consultez le site du National Park Service.

Histoire du parc

Créé en 1910, le parc national du Montana est le dixième parc national des États-Unis. Il s’étend sur 1 583 km² dans le nord-ouest du Montana, au relief accidenté et sculpté par les glaciers. L’histoire humaine de la région remonte à des milliers d’années et la terre fait partie de l’histoire des tribus Blackfeet, Salish, Pend d’Oreille et Kootenai. Au début des années 1800, les premiers colons anglophones ont commencé à arriver dans la région. Ce n’est qu’en 1885 que George Bird Grinnell, alors rédacteur en chef du magazine Forest and Stream, est venu pour la première fois dans la région. Grinnell, qui a joué un rôle essentiel en influençant l’opinion publique et en promouvant la législation visant à faire de la région un parc national, est le premier auteur du surnom désormais emblématique de Glacier, « Crown of the Continent » (couronne du continent).

Choses à faire

Voir un glacier !
Bien que le nombre de glaciers du parc ait diminué, passant d’environ 80 vers 1850 à 26 glaciers nommés en 2015, le parc offre toujours des vues spectaculaires. Le glacier Jackson est l’un des plus faciles à observer et peut être aperçu depuis le point de vue situé à l’est de la route Going-to-the Sun. Le glacier Salamander, nommé ainsi en raison de sa forme amphibie, est visible depuis votre voiture lorsque vous pénétrez dans la région de Many Glacier. Consultez le site Internet du parc national avant de partir pour savoir quels glaciers sont accessibles lors de votre voyage.

Roulez sur la route « Going-to-the-Sun » !
Les 48,7 miles de route panoramique entre Divide Creek à l’est et Apgar Visitor Center à l’ouest serpentent à travers le cœur du parc, offrant des vues à couper le souffle sur les glaciers, les vallées et la faune. Ne manquez pas les vues qui s’offrent à vous tout au long du chemin ! Pensez à regarder la visite vidéo des points d’intérêt du National Park Service avant de partir ou téléchargez des fichiers audio sur le site du parc pour une visite audio pendant que vous conduisez. Vérifiez l’état des routes avant de partir! Les intempéries et la saisonnalité annuelle influent sur les fermetures de routes.

Partez à la rencontre de la faune et de la flore.
Du grizzli à l’élan en passant par le mouflon et le loup, Glacier possède un écosystème florissant composé de certains des mammifères les plus reconnaissables des Rocheuses. Pour une observation optimale, veillez à vous tenir à une distance sûre et respectueuse de la faune. Arrivez tôt dans le parc et prenez votre temps : La plupart des mammifères étant plus actifs le matin, il est préférable de se rendre tôt dans les zones les moins fréquentées du parc, comme la route de Many Glacier, pour avoir le plus de chances de rencontrer des animaux sauvages.

Partez en randonnée !
La randonnée dans le parc national des Glaciers est une expérience impressionnante qui vous laissera des souvenirs impérissables. Le parc dispose de plusieurs sentiers, allant de la petite promenade accessible à la randonnée dans l’arrière-pays. Quel que soit l’endroit où vous randonnez, il est important de préparer votre sac de jour avant de partir. N’oubliez pas d’emporter de l’eau, de la crème solaire et du spray anti-moustiques, des en-cas (n’oubliez pas d’emporter ce que vous emportez), des vêtements de pluie et des couches de vêtements chauds. Il est également conseillé de se munir d’un spray anti-ours et de se familiariser avec son utilisation avant de s’engager sur le sentier.

Meilleures randonnées dans le parc national des Glaciers

Passez une journée sur l’eau.
Que vous possédiez un bateau ou non, il existe de nombreuses façons de profiter des lacs du parc national des Glaciers. Des excursions en bateau très prisées sont proposées sur les lacs Many Glacier, Two Medicine, Rising Sun et McDonald. Des locations de petits bateaux sont également possibles sur les lacs Apgar, McDonald, Two Medicine et Many Glacier. Si vous prévoyez d’apporter votre propre embarcation, sachez que toutes les embarcations mises à l’eau dans le parc doivent être inspectées pour détecter les espèces aquatiques envahissantes avant de naviguer. Bien qu’il y ait des postes d’inspection dans le parc, il est recommandé, pendant les périodes de pointe, de faire inspecter et sceller son bateau à l’avance dans l’un des postes d’inspection partenaires situés à l’extérieur du parc. Pour plus de détails sur les règlements et les bonnes pratiques en matière de navigation de plaisance, consultez le site Web du parc.

Restez à l’écoute pour d’autres guides de voyage sur les parcs nationaux du réseau ROUTE 66 RV Network !

Les 10 meilleurs conseils et astuces pour l’entretien des véhicules récréatifs

Donc vous avez acheté le camping-car dont vous rêviez. C’est très bien ! Mais voici maintenant la partie la plus importante : l’entretien. Que votre véhicule de prédilection soit une caravane, une caravane à sellette, un toy hauler ou une autocaravane, il est essentiel de prendre soin de votre VR pour qu’il dure pendant les années de souvenirs familiaux à venir. Pour les nouveaux propriétaires de VR comme pour les professionnels expérimentés, il peut être difficile de savoir par où commencer pour prendre soin de son camping-car ou ce à quoi il faut s’attendre en matière d’entretien de routine. Il est important de se rappeler que, tout comme votre voiture, les différents composants de votre véhicule de loisirs s’usent avec le temps et nécessitent une certaine attention. Vous trouverez ci-dessous nos conseils et astuces pour que votre véhicule récréatif conserve son aspect neuf !

  1. Couvrir votre toit

L’une des meilleures choses que vous puissiez faire pour protéger votre véhicule récréatif est de le ranger sous un abri pour VR ou dans une housse traditionnelle pour VR. Le toit de votre camping-car subit de plein fouet les éléments, qu’il s’agisse des rayons du soleil ou d’autres facteurs environnementaux. Cela peut créer des problèmes qui peuvent ne pas être remarqués immédiatement. Comme le remplacement ou la réparation du toit de votre véhicule peut s’avérer coûteux, l’entreposer correctement est le moyen le plus économique de protéger votre investissement. Les abris de voiture en acier, adaptés à la taille de votre véhicule récréatif, sont une alternative facile à installer à la couverture du véhicule récréatif. Quelle que soit la manière dont vous décidez de protéger votre toit, vous devez l’inspecter régulièrement pour éviter que des problèmes ne passent inaperçus pendant trop longtemps. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le site suivant article sur les avantages et les inconvénients des couvertures de véhicules récréatifs!

  1. Entretenir les pneus de votre véhicule récréatif

Idéalement, vous devriez entretenir les pneus de votre véhicule récréatif comme vous le feriez pour votre véhicule de tous les jours, c’est-à-dire en les permutant périodiquement et en vérifiant qu’ils ne sont pas endommagés. L’utilisation d’un manomètre ou d’une jauge de pression des pneus vous permet de suivre l’évolution de la pression de vos pneus sans vous contenter d’un simple coup d’œil. Pour éviter d’avoir à recourir à l’assistance routière en cas de crevaison, vérifiez la pression de vos pneus avant chaque voyage. Vous devez également vérifier visuellement que chaque pneu ne présente pas d’usure irrégulière de la bande de roulement, qui peut résulter d’un chargement et d’un déchargement incorrects de votre remorque. Lors de la vérification de chaque pneu, serrez les écrous de roue pour vous assurer qu’ils ne se sont pas desserrés pendant le voyage ou le stockage. Consultez ce document Guide d’entretien des pneus de véhicules récréatifs pour plus de conseils !

  1. Maintenez votre système de traitement des eaux usées en bon état

Il y a plusieurs choses que vous pouvez faire pour maintenir le système d’eaux usées de votre véhicule de loisirs en bon état de fonctionnement. Vous devez vous assurer que vous utilisez des produits chimiques spécialement conçus pour fonctionner avec votre système spécifique. Certains camping-cars ont un système d’eaux noires, d’autres un système d’eaux grises, alors assurez-vous de connaître le type de système dont votre camping-car est équipé. Il est également important de rincer régulièrement votre système afin d’éviter les accumulations excessives qui peuvent entraîner un colmatage et une défaillance du système.

  1. Vérifier les joints des fenêtres et des portes

L’un des problèmes les plus courants d’un véhicule récréatif est l’infiltration d’humidité à l’intérieur du véhicule par des joints défectueux. Lorsque les joints des fenêtres et des portes de votre camping-car sont défectueux, ils laissent passer l’humidité, ce qui endommage les surfaces et crée un habitat propice à la formation de moisissures. Une bonne façon de prévenir les dommages est d’être proactif : Vérifiez tous les joints autour des portes et des fenêtres tous les trois mois et vérifiez tous les joints de toiture tous les six mois. Si vous trouvez un joint desserré ou une fissure, vous pouvez les faire enlever et sceller à nouveau par un prestataire de services pour véhicules récréatifs ou, si vous préférez bricoler, suivez les instructions suivantes Vidéo YouTube!

  1. L’entretien de votre chauffe-eau

Le chauffe-eau de votre véhicule de loisirs est un système simple qui offre une grande commodité : de l’eau chaude. Mais il peut être facile d’oublier qu’ils nécessitent également un entretien régulier. Un moyen facile d’entretenir votre chauffe-eau est de le rincer et de le vidanger chaque année. Vous pouvez rincer le chauffe-eau à l’aide d’une lance de rinçage et, lorsqu’il est vide, vous pouvez vérifier l’état du réservoir pour voir s’il n’y a pas de rouille. Il est conseillé de procéder à ce nettoyage et à cette inspection avant chaque voyage afin d’éviter tout problème sur la route ou au camping. Jetez un coup d’œil à ceci vidéo avec des conseils pour nettoyer votre chauffe-eau et les erreurs courantes que vous pouvez éviter !

  1. Hivernage de votre véhicule récréatif

Emballer son véhicule et l’entreposer pour l’hiver peut être une tâche fastidieuse, mais il est essentiel de prendre ces mesures préventives. En hivernant correctement votre véhicule de loisirs, vous éviterez des réparations potentiellement coûteuses au retour de la saison de camping. Il y a plusieurs choses à vérifier lors de l’hivernage de votre véhicule récréatif. liste de contrôle pour l’hivernage est une façon intelligente de s’assurer que rien n’est oublié. Si vous préférez ne pas procéder vous-même à l’hivernage de votre véhicule récréatif, adressez-vous à votre bureau local de l Réseau ROUTE 66 concessionnaire de véhicules récréatifs! Les processus holistiques de nos concessionnaires de véhicules récréatifs peuvent vous débarrasser des maux de tête et des tracas de l’hivernage.

  1. Protégez votre véhicule contre les rongeurs

Personne n’a envie de voir débarquer des invités non sollicités pendant un séjour en camping. Des souris aux insectes, les bestioles du grand air peuvent causer une grande variété de problèmes à l’intérieur. Qu’il s’agisse de retirer l’isolation, de ronger les fils ou de construire des nids à l’intérieur de la chaudière de votre camping-car, les dommages causés par les animaux peuvent entraîner une perte de temps et d’argent exorbitante dans la recherche d’une solution. Avant d’entreposer votre véhicule récréatif pendant la saison morte, vérifiez que tous les endroits où se trouvent des fils, des conduites de gaz et de l’isolant sont correctement et hermétiquement scellés. Deux éléments simples permettent d’étanchéifier ces zones et protéger votre véhicule récréatif contre les animaux sont la mousse pulvérisée et la laine d’acier. Utilisez-les dans tous les trous où des animaux pourraient pénétrer.

  1. Gardez vos bouches d’aération ouvertes

Certains conseils d’entretien des véhicules récréatifs n’impliquent pas de dépenser de l’argent durement gagné. Lorsque votre véhicule récréatif n’est pas utilisé, en particulier pendant les mois chauds de l’été, la température intérieure peut grimper de façon astronomique. Ces températures extrêmes peuvent entraîner la rupture des joints, des coutures, des revêtements de sol et des tissus. Pour lutter contre la chaleur extrême, gardez les bouches d’aération de votre véhicule récréatif ouvertes afin d’augmenter la circulation de l’air et d’abaisser la température. Veillez à ce que les bouches d’aération extérieures soient recouvertes de housses afin d’empêcher la pluie, les animaux ou les insectes de pénétrer dans le camping-car.

  1. Entretenir ses freins

Tout comme les freins de votre voiture, vous devrez remplacer périodiquement les freins de votre véhicule récréatif. Les apparences peuvent être trompeuses. Même si votre camping-car semble être en parfait état, il est important de s’assurer que les freins fonctionnent correctement et en toute sécurité. Lorsque vous avez l’impression que les freins de votre véhicule récréatif n’ont plus assez de traction, il est probablement préférable de les faire remplacer. Lorsqu’il s’agit de votre sécurité, de celle de vos passagers et des autres conducteurs sur la route, mieux vaut prévenir que guérir.

  1. Nettoyez vos coulisses

Tous les châssis coulissants de votre camping-car ont régulièrement besoin d’un nettoyage approfondi. La saleté et les débris peuvent s’accumuler au fil du temps, ce qui finit par user le mécanisme. Il existe une grande variété de lubrifiants que vous pouvez acheter pour vous assurer que les glissières entrent et sortent facilement de l’unité. Vous pouvez également utiliser ces produits sur les fenêtres pour ajouter une mesure de protection supplémentaire au mastic d’étanchéité en caoutchouc. N’oubliez pas de Nettoyez les coulisseaux de votre véhicule récréatif après chaque voyage pour éviter des dommages coûteux. après chaque voyage afin d’éviter des dommages coûteux !

Pour d’autres conseils sur le camping-car, des guides de voyage et des informations générales, n’oubliez pas de consulter les sites suivants Le blog du ROUTE 66 RV Network. Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un nouveau véhicule de loisirs, notre Le localisateur de concessionnaires de véhicules récréatifs peut vous aider à trouver le concessionnaire ROUTE 66 RV Network le plus proche de chez vous.

Parc national des Arches

Arches National Park enchants visitors through its beautiful arches, stunning sunsets, family-friendly hiking trails, and more. When visiting this national park be sure to take the scenic route, and drive down the beautiful Arches Scenic Drive. Need to get off the beaten path? Check out a guided 4×4 tour where you can look forward to seeing beautiful rock formations that seem to be defying gravity from a different new view. Arches is the perfect road trip destination for families and individuals of any age. If you are looking for travel inspiration on where to take your camper next, Arches National Park is an excellent choice!

Fast Facts

Arches Entrance Passes:

  • For non-commercial, private vehicles, a 7-day pass costs $30 per vehicle with a 15-passenger capacity or less. Motorcycle passes are $25 for 7 days and if you are a bicyclist, hiker, or pedestrian you can purchase a per-person pass for $15.
  • Visitors can also choose to purchase an annual pass for parks in southeast Utah for $55, which admits one private, non-commercial vehicle or the pass holder to Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, as well as Natural Bridges National Monument.

Best Time to Visit:

  • The best time to plan a visit to Arches National Park is in the Spring from March to May, or in the Fall from September to October. This is primarily due to the desert weather of the park and visiting during the mildest temperatures.

How Many Days To Plan For:

  • Planning to spend two days in Arches is ideal and gives you enough time to explore the Fiery Furnace and do a few more of the longer hikes. If you are sticking to shorter hiking trails and scenic overlooks, then one day is all you really need.

Where to Stay:

Pet Policy:

  • The activities allowed with pets are very limited at Arches National Park. Pets are not permitted on any hiking trailers and cannot be left unattended. However, you may have your pet with you in your campground and at pullouts along the paved scenic drives. Pets must also be leashed at all times whenever they are outside of your vehicle.

Park History

Arches National Park expands over 73,000 acres, roughly 114 square miles, and has more than 2,000 arches within its boundaries. This national park in southeastern Utah was originally designated a national monument in 1929 by President Herbert Hoover. In 1938 President Franklin Roosevelt expanded the grounds of the monument from 4,500 acres to nearly 34,000 acres. Although the number of tourists visiting the monument kept gradually increasing, the first paved road wasn’t added until 1958. In 1971 President Richard Nixon signed a law that changed Arches into a national park and set its size to the current 73,000 acres. The natural beauty of this national park is due to extreme climate changes that occurred millions of years ago, such as floods and excess debris sweeping the salt beds. Although this park is mainly desert, there is so much to see and so many amazing hiking trails to follow.

Park Highlights

  1. Take the scenic route. If you are just planning on traveling through the park, and not spending the night, be sure to check out the outstanding Arches Scenic Drive. There is one road that goes through Arches National Park and it is 19 miles long, from Highway 191 to the Devils Garden trailhead.
  2. View the natural wonder of sandstone arches. Arches National Park has over 2,000 natural sandstone arches, and the most famous one is Delicate Arch. This arch can be seen from several parts of the park, but the trail to the arch starts at Wolfe Ranch, through Slick-rock, and up to the arch itself. You can also choose to drive up to the viewpoint of the arch if you are unable to make the hike.
  3. Take a peek through the windows at the landscape. This 1-mile round trip hike at the Windows will bring you close to three different arches, Turret Arch, South Window, and North Window. When seen together, the North and South Windows look like a giant pair of glasses that were left laying in the desert. The Turret Arch has a portion of rock that reaches for the sky like it is at the top of a tower.
  4. It’s all a balancing act. Arches National Park is full of beautiful rock formations, but did you know that it is also well-known for one that is not an arch? To the eye, Balanced Rock looks like a large boulder delicately balancing on the top of a rock pillar. It really is just one big rock formation, but it leads our minds to wonder if it actually is balancing there!
  5. Take the road less traveled. If you are looking for a new way to explore Arches National Park, go off the beaten path on a guided 4×4 tour! This highly-rated tour is 4 hours long and takes you to incredible locations throughout the park that tourists rarely get to see. There is also a tour that combines two national parks in one day, Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park.

Things To Do

Devil’s Garden
Devil’s Garden is one of the premier locations in Arches National Park and has a large concentration of narrow rock walls, arches, spires, and more. These narrow rock walls, also known as fins, eventually erode and create arches like Landscape Arch, which is the crown jewel of Devil’s Garden. Devil’s Garden offers visitors breathtaking views, backpacking, stargazing, camping, and hiking trails for all skill levels. This wondrous place is located at the very end of the park’s main road, about 18 miles north of the Arches National Park Visitor Center. The Devils Garden Campground is also available by reservation from March through October, and open on a first-come, first-served basis throughout the winter months.

Fiery Furnace
The Fiery Furnace is a collection of narrow sandstone canyons, natural arches, and fins near the center of Arches National Park. This area of the park was given its name due to the reddish hue it has during sunset. This hike is best done with a ranger leading the way. You can get an individual permit, but those are limited on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations for this hike are required and the tickets are in high demand, so be sure to check online frequently for your best chance at getting a reservation to hike the Fiery Furnace. This hike has challenging terrain, and once you enter the Fiery Furnace, you must complete the hike due to the maze-like terrain. For more information on the Fiery Furnace Hike and ranger-led tours, please visit the Arches National Park website today.

Garden of Eden
The Garden of Eden in Arches National Park is located near Moab, Utah, and has no designated trailheads. This means that visitors can explore this open hiking area and discover the various geological structures within like Serpentine Arch and Owl Rock. From the parking area, you can see the gap between Adam and Eve and the Devil’s Golf Ball. The gentle climb up to this area gives you the opportunity to explore the central area of the garden. Once you are in the center, you can see Serpentine Arch, which is the arch with the largest opening in the garden. If you want to see the Garden of Eden for yourself, all you have to do is climb out of the car and take a hike!


Garden of Eden Arches National Park

Hiking Trails
Although several of the hiking trails are short at Arches National Parks, it means that you and your family can enjoy exploring together. From viewing beautiful landscapes to watching magnificent sunsets through the arches, these hiking trails can lead you to several wonderful places. Before heading out on the trails, be sure to check if you need any permits as you do for the Fiery Furnace Hike!

Best Hikes in Arches National Park:

  • Park Avenue (2 miles)
  • Delicate Arch (3 miles)
  • Windows Viewpoint Trail (1.2 miles)
  • Double Arch (0.6 miles)
  • Fiery Furnace Overlook & Hike (2.3 miles)
  • Devil’s Garden Hike & Landscape Arch (7.2 miles)
  • Balanced Rock Hike (0.3 miles)
  • Sand Dune Arch (0.4 miles)

Other Notable Arches
This national park is full of beautiful and notable arches, including Double Arch, Landscape Arch, and Sand Dune Arch. Double Arch is a pair of arches that are closely set together and is one of the most well-known features of Arches National Park. These arches lie within the Windows area of the park, which is where the largest concentration of natural arches occurs. Landscape Arch is located in Devil’s Garden and is the longest arch in North America with an opening of 306 feet. This arch is also only 6 feet in diameter at its narrowest point, which means it is extremely delicate and holding on by a thread. To get to Sand Dune Arch, you have to hike through deep sand and find it hidden between tall sandstone walls. This 0.4-mile hike will take you through narrow canals and sandstone fins to a small area with a magnificent hidden arch.

Landscape Arch

Stay tuned for more National Park Travel Guides from the ROUTE 66 RV Network!

Liens et ressources pour les camping-caristes

From digital navigation to campground data, the amount of information available at our fingertips is nearly limitless with the use of mobile phones. The ROUTE 66 RV Network has stifled through the search results and pulled together a list of helpful travel resources available. Check out our list of online resources for RVers below!

Road Trip Navigation

The days of paper maps are over and it’s important to have the proper resources at the ready when out on the road. Take a look at these different online maps and driving direction websites to assist you during your next road trip.

Health & Wellness

Unexpected health emergencies can happen while out camping or on the road, and sometimes you don’t always know where the nearest hospital or urgent care is located. Check out these directories and locators the next time you need to find medical help near you!

Campgrounds & Parks

An RV trip allows you and your family to explore the great outdoors! From coast-to-coast, in the woods or by the ocean, the scenic views are breathtaking. Check out these resources for information on national parks, state parks, dog-friendly campgrounds, and more.

Travel Guides & Trip Planning

Are you setting off on a spontaneous road trip? Have you been planning for your family vacation all year, but are still looking for some trip ideas? Take a look at these guides to different places to travel to and visit with your whole family on your next road trip!

States Along Route 66

If you are planning to travel along the historic U.S. Route 66, check out the eight amazing states along the way and what they have to offer. You will find that each state has one-of-a-kind roadside attractions that are sure to pique the interest of your adventure crew.

For more RV travel inspiration, tips, and tricks, check out our complete lineup of recent blogs!

Parc national de Yosemite

Yosemite National Park is known for more than just the impressive granite rock formations. Visitors revel in pristine lakes, flowing waterfalls, dome rock formations, magnificent canyons, and so much more. The most iconic feature of Yosemite is Half Dome, one of the most challenging and treacherous hikes in the United States. Visitors to this park can look forward to encountering a variety of animals including bighorn sheep, black bears, grizzly bears, and peregrine falcons. If you and your family are looking for your next RV adventure, check out Yosemite National Park in California’s Sierra Nevada mountains!

Fast Facts

Yosemite Entrance Passes:

  • For non-commercial, private vehicles, a 7-day pass costs $35 per vehicle and a motorcycle pass is $30 for seven days.
  • Visitors can also purchase an annual park pass for $70 per vehicle or an ‘America the Beautiful – Annual Pass’ which is $80 and is honored at all federally-managed land units such as national parks, national forests, national monuments, and more. For more information on Yosemite entrance fees, reference the National Park Service.

Best Time to Visit:

  • The best time to visit Yosemite National Park is May through September. Choosing to plan your visit during this time allows you and your family to avoid the majority of the year’s rain in Yosemite.

How Many Days To Plan For:

  • Plan to stay around 3 to 4 days if you want to ensure you get the chance to see everything you want. Yosemite is close to Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks so you may also choose to extend your trip to visit these nearby parks.

Where to Stay:

  • Lodging options within the park are managed by Yosemite Hospitality and range from deluxe hotel rooms to simple tent cabins. Reservations are available 366 days in advance and are strongly encouraged, especially from spring through fall and on holidays. Popular places to stay include The Ahwahnee, Yosemite Valley Lodge, Wawona Hotel, Curry Village, High Sierra Camps, and more.
    Yosemite has 10 campgrounds that can accommodate RVs and trailers of various lengths. At Yosemite Valley, the maximum RV length is 40 feet and the maximum trailer length is 35 feet. For more information on Yosemite National Park’s RV Campgrounds, please check out the National Park Service website.

Pet Policy:

  • If you choose to bring your pet to Yosemite, you must stay in developed areas and keep to paved roads and sidewalks. Pets are allowed in all campgrounds excluding walk-in campgrounds and group sites. Your pet must stay on a leash that is no longer than six feet and be accompanied at all times. To learn more about Yosemite’s pet policy, reference the National Park Service.

Park History

Located in the Sierra Nevada range in California, you will find Yosemite National Park. The beautiful landscape and distinct rock formations of this park result from interactions between glaciers and rock dating back to several million years ago. These formations throughout the park are some of the most recognizable national phenomena in the world. Although many of these features are made up of granite, the most abundant type of rock is igneous rock from past lava flows. The National Park Service was created in 1916 to ensure that Yosemite was being properly preserved, and by 1920 the campgrounds along the lakes and Wawona Tunnel had been completed to make travel to the park easier and accommodate larger numbers of visitors. When the Wilderness Act of 1964 was passed, parts of the park were elevated to a “highly protected” status to allow nature to flourish. Yosemite National Park is now over 125 years old and is the third oldest National Park in the United States.

Park Highlights

  1. Walk, or even bike, through a giant sequoia tree! When visiting Yosemite National Park, be sure to check out Tuolumne Grove. When this Sequoia tree first fell it stood 275 feet high and 21 feet in diameter at the base. The tree’s exact age is unknown but the estimated age is over 2,000 years old.
  2. Yosemite’s large granite rock formations glow like a fire during sunset. Sunlight plays amazing tricks along the rocks within Yosemite including illuminating El Capitan and Half Dome in gorgeous shades of yellow and orange. Horsetail Fall is famous for how it appears to be on fire when it reflects the glow of a sunset in mid-February.
  3. Yosemite National Park is home to one of the tallest waterfalls on the planet. Standing at 2,425 feet, Yosemite Falls is one of the tallest waterfalls in the world and is made up of three separate waterfalls: upper fall, middle cascades, and lower fall. This magnificent waterfall can be seen from several places throughout Yosemite Valley.
  4. There are over 400 species of animals. While visiting Yosemite National Park you might notice one of the many birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians that call this place home. The Sierra Nevada Red Fox was spotted for the first time in nearly 100 years roaming the high mountain elevations on a wildlife camera.
  5. Yosemite is the only National Park that has bid to host the Winter Olympics. Back in the early days of the park, visitors flocked to the area as a summer resort but many stayed away during the winter. This began to change in the 1920s when a new highway was finished and toboggan runs, an ice skating rink, and a sky jump were built. In the end, Lake Placid won the bid for the 1932 Winter Olympics, but winter sports remain popular at Yosemite still today.
Sierra Nevada Red Fox

Things To Do

Half Dome
Rising nearly 5,000 feet above Yosemite Valley, Half Dome stands. This 14-16 mile hike is not for the weak as you hike through the heavy wilderness and gain 4,800 feet of elevation. Taking roughly 10-12 hours to complete on average, it is important you prepare beforehand to reduce your risk of danger and plan for a safe hike. A non-negotiable turnaround time is important to ensure that if you don’t reach the top by then, you turn around for safety. One of the most famous parts of this hike is the ascent up the cables. These cables allow hikers to climb the final 400 feet to the summit.

El Capitan
El Capitan’s granite walls dominate the view of Yosemite Valley’s west end. Standing at over 3,000 feet above the valley’s floor, this summit is more than twice the height of the Empire State Building. El Capitan is an amazing sight for visitors, a photographer’s muse, and one of the world’s ultimate challenges for climbers. This rock structure was recently brought into the limelight through a few films including Alex Honnold’s Freesolo. If you are looking to create your own stories like Alex Honnold, be sure to check out the Yosemite Mountaineering School which can give you a guide to help you.

Hiking Trails
From thundering waterfalls to the iconic Half Dome, one of the best ways to see and take in the beauty of Yosemite National Park is to step onto the trails and start a hike. Before heading out on the trail, be sure you pack the necessary supplies, wear comfortable shoes and dress in layers. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for wildlife!

Best Hikes in Yosemite National Park

  • The Mist Trail (3 miles)
  • Lower Yosemite Falls Trail (1 mile)
  • Upper Yosemite Falls Trail (7.6 miles)
  • Sentinel Dome Trail and Taft Point Loop (5.5 miles)
  • Four Mile Trail (4.8 miles)
  • May Lake Trail and Mount Hoffmann (2.4 miles)
  • Mirror Lake/Meadow (2 miles)

Sequoia Trees
Within three groves in Yosemite National Park, you can find ancient giant sequoia trees. The most accessible grove throughout the spring and fall months is the Mariposa Grove which is near the park’s southern entrance, off Highway 41 (Wawona Road). The two smaller, less-visited groves are Tuolumne Groves and Merced Groves which can be found near Crane Flat. Tuolumne Grove is where visitors can look forward to walking through a giant, fallen sequoia tree estimated to be over 2,000 years old!

When the snowy mountain peaks begin to melt, icy waters come rushing downstream bringing breathtaking waterfalls to life that thunder across the valley. April through June is usually the peak season for the park’s waterfalls. The Mist Trail is Yosemite’s signature waterfall hike featuring several amazing views along the way. and leads to Vernal Falls and Nevada Falls. The trail begins at a bridge overlook and progresses to two waterfalls, Vernal Fall and Nevada Fall, that combine a total of 900 feet.

Stay tuned for more National Park Travel Guides from the ROUTE 66 RV Network!

Importance de l’assurance des véhicules récréatifs

For many, their trailer or motorhome is their home away from home. It is important to take the proper steps toward protecting your investment by purchasing RV insurance. There are several benefits to having an RV insurance policy including protection, roadside assistance and more. We know insurance can be a daunting and difficult topic – we are here to make it simple for you!

What is RV Insurance?

RV Insurance protects you in the event that you are responsible for any damages or injuries and covers any associated costs with the damages to your own RV if an incident occurs. There are a few different coverages contingent on how your recreational vehicle is used, such as if your camper is your full-time residence or if you use it recreationally. Specific RV coverage also varies depending on what type of RV you have, motorized or towable.If you own a motorized recreational vehicle, coverage can be required. Whereas a towable may not require special RV insurance, depending on which state you live in. No matter what type of RV you own, it is always a good idea to be insured in the case of an unexpected accident.

What are the benefits of having RV insurance?

When deciding to purchase an RV insurance policy, all of the associated benefits and perks can be confusing. Depending on your particular insurance company, you might have the option to choose additional coverage options such as: total loss replacement coverage, vacation liability, towing and roadside coverage, uninsured and underinsured motorists coverage, and more. Three main benefits that come with having a specialized RV insurance plan include: asset protection, liability protection and roadside assistance.

Asset Protection

Recreational vehicles aren’t cheap no matter what type you purchase, and unfortunately, accidents happen. Natural threats like hail, fire and storms can compromise your investment and cause substantial damage. Having RV insurance can help cover the physical damage caused and save you additional out-of-pocket expenses. You will also find that some insurance policies have the option to add coverage for your personal belongings kept in your RV. Those who use their RV as a second home will find it essential to select a policy that covers personal belongings such as electronics, household items, clothes, and more.

Liability Protection

Just like when you are driving your car, you can sometimes be found at fault for an accident while out on the road or at a campsite. When you park your recreational vehicle at the campsite, you might be held liable in the event that someone is hurt around or in your camper. In the event of an accident, bodily injury or property damage, you will want to be covered by an insurance policy. Your RV insurance liability protection can come to the rescue when you are facing any accident-related costs.

Roadside Assistance

Roadside assistance is one of the best benefits available with many RV insurance policies. Often RVers find themselves in a situation where their trailer or motorhome needs to be towed. Be sure to talk to your insurance company to find out if roadside assistance is included in your RV insurance policy. If roadside assistance isn’t included with your insurance policy, we encourage you to check out our RV Club which provides RVers with additional benefits and perks while out on the road exploring.

How much RV insurance do I need?

Your RV insurance agency will help you find the policy that best fights your personal needs and any other unique requirements that may be in place. Often the amount of coverage that you need depends on a variety of factors including:

  • The requirements of the state you currently reside in
  • The type of recreational vehicle that you own
  • Whether you are using your RV full-time or part-time

If you have decided to finance your motorhome, fifth wheel, travel trailer, toy hauler, or destination trailer, your loan lender will most likely require you to have RV insurance coverage for physical damages. It is common that your lender will require certain deductibles and will want to be listed on the policy as a lien holder.

Where can I purchase RV insurance?

RVsurance can help you get a specialized recreational vehicle insurance quote quickly and easily. Their insurance agents will help find the perfect policy from one of their partner carriers that will protect your travel trailer, fifth wheel, toy hauler, tent camper, or Class A, B, or C Motorhome. Regardless of how you and your family like to travel, RVsurance is here to help provide you with the best RV insurance policies available. Get your specialized quote online today!

Parc national de Yellowstone

The United States National Park system offers travelers several opportunities to explore unique landscapes, view beautiful scenery, and encounter a wide variety of wildlife. Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, and parts of Montana and Idaho, is nearly 3,500 sq. miles of wilderness atop a volcanic hot spot and was the world’s first national park. When you choose to travel to this gorgeous park, you will find dramatic canyons, hot springs, lush forests and more including the famous geyser, Old Faithful. Yellowstone is home to several animal species including wolves, bison, elk, and bears. Yellowstone is perfect for all types of camping lifestyles including traditional tent camping and RV camping. Start planning your trip to Yellowstone National Park today – you don’t want to miss it!

Fast Facts

Yellowstone Entrance Passes:

  • For non-commercial, private vehicles, a 7-day pass costs $35 per vehicle. Keep in mind that this does not include entrance to Grand Teton National Park which is also nearby. Visitors that are entering through Yellowstone’s South Entrance will be traveling through Grand Teton National Park first and will be required to pay entrance fees to both parks.
  • Visitors can also purchase an annual park pass for $70 per vehicle or an ‘America the Beautiful – Annual Pass’ for $80 which is honored at all federally-managed land units such as national parks, national forests, national monuments, and more. For more information on entrance fees, reference the National Park Service.

Best Time to Visit:

  • Summer is a fantastic time to take a trip to visit Yellowstone National Park thanks to the warm weather and all park amenities being open. However, this is the most crowded travel time of the year for the park. If you are looking to avoid crowds, a good time to visit is September or early October.

How Many Days To Plan For:

  • Plan to spend at least 2 to 3 days in Yellowstone National Park to be able to hit some of the most desired locations. Two days in the park gives you plenty of time to see the most popular attractions such as Old Faithful. Adding an additional day gives you time to explore and view some of the less visited attractions. Check out this Yellowstone National Park Travel Guide for an itinerary to make the most of your time.

Where to Stay:

  • Yellowstone National Park has 12 campgrounds and an RV park that are perfect for those who like being right in the middle of the beautiful outdoors. If you aren’t planning to camp or take your recreational vehicle, the Old Faithful Inn and Canyon Lodge & Cabins are two of the best places to stay and are both close to the most popular places in the park. If you are wanting to stay outside the park, we would suggest hotels in West Yellowstone, Montana.

Pet Policy:

  • Unfortunately, pets are not allowed on any of the hiking trails within Yellowstone National Park and cannot be left unattended. To learn more about Yellowstone’s pet policy, reference the National Park Service.

Park History

The Yellowstone region has been called home for more than 11,000 years by several tribes and bands. These groups of people used the park as their hunting ground, transportation route and home prior to and even after the arrival of the European American settlers. In 1872, Yellowstone was established as the world’s first national park. The railroad arrived at the park in 1883 which allowed visitors to more easily access the park’s beautiful landscape. In 1915, automobiles were first allowed into the park so that visits were more economical for travelers. The US Army managed Yellowstone until 1916 at which point the National Park Service was established. Today, Yellowstone National Park is protected and preserved by a number of management divisions and departments so that generations for years to come are able to enjoy these natural wonders and learn more about the history of the land.

Top Park Features

  1. Yellowstone is a supervolcano! Did you know that one of the world’s largest active volcanoes lies just beneath Yellowstone National Park? The first major eruption took place over 2 million years ago and covered over 5m000 sq. miles with ash. While this volcano is still considered active, there has been no active lava flow in over 70,000 years.
  2. Old Faithful erupts more frequently than many other large geysers. This geyser got its name in 1870 from its regularity of eruption, although never at exact hourly intervals. Yellowstone has more geysers than anywhere else on Earth, and Old Faithful typically erupts around 17 times a day.
  3. Half the world’s hydrothermal features can be found at Yellowstone. This national park preserves over 10,000 hydrothermal features which include hot springs, mud pots, geysers, and travertine terraces. These features get their brilliant colors from microorganisms called thermophiles, which are heat-loving organisms.
  4. The wildlife causes several traffic jams. Yellowstone has much more to offer than just geysers, it is also known for its bison herds. This park is the only place where bison have lived since prehistoric times and they often cause traffic jams (also known as bison jams), as cars wait for them to cross the road.
  5. Yellowstone is home to the largest concentration of animals in the lower 48 states. The wildlife at Yellowstone National Park is abundant and diverse with an estimated 67 species of mammals, 300 species of birds, and 16 different types of fish. Some of the mammals that call Yellowstone home include grizzly bears, lynx, foxes, elk, wolves and moose. Although beautiful, please remember to not approach them. The park rules state that you must be at least 25 yards from large animals and at least 100 years from wolves and bears.
Yellowstone Bison Herd
Grand Prismatic Pool

Things To Do

Hot Springs
Yellowstone’s beautiful hydrothermal areas are home to several features such as pots of bubbling mud, geysers, and hot springs. Fun fact: Hot springs are the most common hydrothermal features in this national park. Each temperature in the hot springs has its very own set of microorganisms, which provide a different color. This is the reason why the hot springs have those amazing bands of color that expand from the center.

Top hot springs to visit at Yellowstone National Park:

  • Crested Pool (Upper Geyser Basin)
  • Sapphire Pool (Biscuit Basin, part of Upper Geyser Basin)
  • Turquoise Pool (Midway Geyser Basin)
  • Fountain Paint Pot (Lower Geyser Basin)
  • Blue Funnel Spring (West Thumb Geyser Basin)

Hiking Trails

From beautiful waterfalls and deeply carved canyons, one of the best ways to see the true beauty that lies within Yellowstone National Park is to hop on the trails and take a hike. When preparing for your hike, be sure to dress in layers since the temperatures can fluctuate drastically from day to night. It is smart to wear moisture-wicking hiking shirts and warm fleece layers to stay comfortable all day long. It is crucial to carry safety gear and plenty of water. Yellowstone is bear country so don’t forget the bear spray!

Best hikes in Yellowstone National Park:

  • Wraith Falls (1 mile)
  • Fairy Falls (4.8 miles)
  • Grand Prismatic Overlook Trail (1.5 miles)
  • Upper Geyser Basin and Old Faithful Observation Point Loop (4.9 miles)
  • Lone Star Geyser Trail (5.3 miles)
  • North Rim Trail (6.4 miles)
  • Trout Lake Loop (1.2 miles)

One of the most famous attractions in Yellowstone National Park is its magnificent geyser basins. These hydrothermal features are the reason that the U.S. Congress established Yellowstone as the world’s first national park. Visitors will find the world’s tallest geyser, Steamboat Geyser, and the previously discussed, Old Faithful. These geysers and hundreds of others are accessible and visible from various trails and boardwalks.

Most notable geyser basins in Yellowstone:

  • Norris Geyser Basin: Crackling Lake, Porcelain Springs, Emerald Spring, Cistern Spring, Echinus Geyser, and Steamboat Geyser
  • Upper Geyser Basin: Old Faithful, Castle Geyser, Riverside Geyser, Grand Geyser, Castle Geyser, Crested Pool, Morning Glory Pool, Sapphire Pool, Emerald Pool, Beauty Pool, and Punch Bowl Spring
  • Lower Geyser Basin: Fountain Paint Pot, Great Fountain Geyser, and White Dome Geyser
  • Midway Geyser Basin: Excelsior Geyser Crater, Turquoise Pool, and Grand Prismatic Spring

Lakes & Waterfalls
Yellowstone National Park has over 150 named lakes. The most famous being Yellowstone Lake which is more than 7,000 feet above sea level (making it North America’s largest high-elevation lake), spans 139 square miles, and features 141 miles of shoreline. Lakes in Yellowstone are home to a variety of wildlife including native fish species and an immense bird population. Be on the lookout for eagles and trumpeter swans!

Visitors can also look forward to hundreds of waterfalls, several of which are visible from roadside viewpoints and overlooks otherwise known as “frontcountry”. Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River drops down 308 feet into the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. We also suggest you check out Gibbon Falls, Kepler Cascades, Rustic Falls, and Undine Falls.

Yellowstone Lower Falls

Yellowstone National Park has 12 campgrounds with over 2,000 established campsites for its visitors. All campsites must be reserved in advance, except for Mammoth Campground which has first come, first served sites from mid-October to the beginning of April. Reservations book up fast so be sure to mark your campsite reservations early in advance. Fishing Bridge RV Park (no tents) is the only campground that offers water, sewer, and electrical hookups. Keep in mind that dump stations may close when the temperatures reach below freezing.

Stay tuned for more National Park Travel Guides from the ROUTE 66 RV Network!

Prêts et financement de véhicules récréatifs

Deciding to purchase a recreational vehicle is a big investment for new and experienced RVers alike. If this is your first RV purchase, the varying loan options and extra requirements may seem overwhelming and daunting. Fortunately, the ROUTE 66 RV Network offers customers like you their knowledge of the RV loan and financing process and the experience to make it a more simple, understandable process.

Additionally, the ROUTE 66 RV Network has formed valuable partnerships with Bank of America and Bank of the West to provide customers with the best and most competitive interest rates available. You can feel confident making financial decisions surrounding your new investment with their expertise. Medallion Bank also provides non-prime loans that are suitable for those with lower credit scores but are wanting to finance their new recreational vehicle.

Ready to learn more? Check out our list of Frequently Asked Questions or get in touch with your local ROUTE 66 RV Network Dealer. Our member dealers are ready and willing to provide you with the answers you’ve been looking for on how to maximize the enjoyment of your purchase and maintain financial flexibility. In fact, many first-time RVers come to us to check out their financial options before starting their shopping experience. That’s what we are here for!

Frequently Asked Loan Questions

Q: What are the benefits of financing my RV purchase?

A: When you choose to finance your RV purchase instead of liquidating your assets or paying cash, you are able to maintain personal financial flexibility and potentially qualify for some of the benefits that come with having a second home mortgage. To qualify, your RV must have basic sleeping arrangements, cooking facilities, and a bathroom. To receive more specific details please contact your tax advisor.

Q: What are the advantages of financing through an RV Lending Specialist?

A: Some of the benefits of financing your purchase through an RV Lending Specialist include lower down payments, longer finance terms, and lower monthly payments. By setting a monthly payment within your budget, you leave the dealership knowing that you can confidently pay off your RV over a substantial period of time instead of all at once. RV financing specialists understand that recreational vehicles maintain their value and resale appeal so they tend to offer more pleasing terms and help you afford your dream RV.

Q: What types of RVs can be financed?

A: You are able to finance several types of new and pre-owned RVs including Class A Motorhomes, Class B Motorhomes, Class C Motorhomes, Fifth Wheels, Travel Trailers, Pop-Up Campers, Truck Campers and Destination Trailers (Park Models).

Q: How is my interest rate determined?

A: The physical purchase of your new recreational vehicle is dependent on the approval of your credit which is dependent on several factors such as your credit history, ability to make timely payments, and proof of your income. RV loans have extended terms that can be anywhere from 8 to 15 years depending on if you are purchasing a new or pre-owned camper. Interest rates are dependent on your total loan amount, your down payment, your overall credit profile, and the current value of your recreational vehicle. Once your application is processed, your dealership finance representative will provide you with complete information on your loan interest rate.

Q: Will I need a down payment and if so, how much?

A: Some dealerships require a down payment of at least 10 percent of the recreational vehicle purchase price, but many do prefer up to 20 percent down. A larger down payment will help lower your monthly payments and might even help you qualify for a lower interest rate.

Q: Do I need RV Insurance for an RV Loan?

A: If you are choosing to finance your motorhome, travel trailer, fifth wheel, or destination trailer, your loan lender will typically require you to have physical damage coverages for that vehicle. Be sure to review your policy to ensure that you have the coverage you need to protect yourself and your recreational vehicle.

10 arrêts sur la Route 66 dans le Missouri

Did you know that St. Louis is the largest city on Route 66 and that the Gateway Arch is America’s tallest monument? Well, you do now! There are many can’t-miss stops along the Mother Road in Missouri including a historic drive-in theater, unique museums, and stunning caverns. Next time you are taking a good ole’ midwestern road trip, be sure to stop at one or all of these Missouri travel spots.


Route 66 Red Rocker

This enormous structure was built in 2008, situated at the Fanning 66 Outpost, and once held the Guinness World Record for being the world’s largest rocking chair. Although that title has not held out, it is still the largest rocker on Route 66. Be sure to stop at this great photo opportunity located in Fanning, Missouri.

Route 66 Museum

The Route 66 Museum is located in the Laclede County Library. The exhibits are fun for the whole family to walk through including an old gas station, an antique motel room, and a diner replica. Check out their collection of collectibles and vintage maps – the salt and pepper shakers from different Route 66 restaurants is a favorite!

Route 66 State Park

Route 66 State Park provides easy access to the Meramec River and is a welcomed break for travelers who want to enjoy nature and take in the historical showcasing of the U.S. Route 66. Bridgehead Inn, a 1935 roadhouse, serves as Route 66 State Park’s Visitor Center.

Uranus, Missouri

Located along U.S. Route 66 and I-44 in rural Pulaski County, Uranus offers fun humor for travelers of all ages. This tourist attraction is home to the world-famous Uranus Fudge Factory And General Store, a gun range, tattoo shop, sports bar, and it doesn’t stop there! If you are looking for another photo opportunity, don’t skip out on the World’s Largest Belt Buckle.

Route 66 Mural City

Cuba, Missouri was designated as the “Route 66 Mural City” in 2002 by the state legislature. These murals were a result of the development of Viva Cuba, a beautification organization, making this particular stretch of the historic highway unforgettable.

66 Drive-In Theatre

If you are a movie buff, then a stop at the 66 Drive-In Theatre is a must! As one of the last remaining along Route 66, this drive-in typically opens to the public during the first weekend of April and plays movies through mid-September. Each showing consists of two movies and includes a nostalgic intermission trailer.

Meramec Caverns

The Meramec Caverns are a 7.4K cavern system that has been a popular tourist attraction along Route 66 since 1935. Legends say that Jesse James used to utilize these caverns as a hideout spot and used the river within to make an escape!

Gateway Arch

The St. Louis Gateway Arch stands 192m tall and 192m wide making it the tallest monument in the United States. Visitors can reach the observation deck by using the elevator system that consists of a series of small pod-like tram cars. If it is a clear day, the view from the observation deck can stretch for roughly 30 miles. Each tram tour has an expected duration of 45 to 60 minutes and pricing starts at $11.

Gary’s Gay Parita

Gary’s Gay Parita was constructed as a re-creation of a classic 1930s Sinclair Gas Station. This stop in Ash Grove, Missouri features original gas pumps and other various pieces of Route 66 memorabilia.

Chain of Rocks Bridge

The Chain of Rocks Bridge in St. Louis was once used to cross the Mississippi River, but now it only has walking and biking trails. The most notable feature of this historic bridge is the 22-degree curve in the middle which is unlike any bridge we see today.